Thursday, 17 May 2012

We took part in a survey on motivation in non-profit organisations!

Here are the questions and answers :)

Q1: As the non-profit organisations are unique in terms of management approach, how would you describe your organisation’s management style?

We work towards being as non-hierarchical as possible, whilst at the same time honouring that different people have varied time and energy commitments to the organisation.  As a rule, our 'management' roles (which are titled 'Co-ordinators) are seen as a supportive role in most cases, enabling volunteers to make a contribution to what we do.  Paid roles have the maximum autonomy and ownership possible, with Directors stepping in only if needed.

Q2: How important do you think the motivation is within non-profit organisations since the non-profit organisations tend to have the lowest wage levels?

It is crucial as the belief in the aims of the organisation are the main reason people work for us (most of our crew are unpaid volunteers, and paid crew volunteer additional hours).

Q3: What factors might motivate employees to volunteer and be part of your organisation?

We aim to connect with people's own life purpose and principles, enabling them to have a job which also fulfils them on many levels.  There is also a strong community feel to the organisation, volunteers often join in order to be part of this and it's a huge reason why people come in to work.

Q4: What is the average age of the employees volunteering in your organisation?

We have a very wide age range (15 to 80) however most volunteers are between 20 & 40.

Does the level of motivation vary according to the age of the volunteers in your organisation?

We find that older volunteers are often more hardworking and committed, whereas younger crew (many of whom are in a transitional life phase) will be enthusiastic for certain periods of time, and then either move on or scale back their input.

Q5: As in for-profit sector, the most significant motivation is profit and according to many surveys, salary does affect the job satisfaction. How do you keep your volunteers satisfied and loyal?

I would disagree that paid workers are very motivated by profit as they don't get to benefit directly from it!!  To keep our crew satisfied we ensure that they feel included in the community, feel valued and we also offer discounts and free places on workshops when we can.  The main motivation, we think, is both the social aspect and the pleasant working environment.

Q6: What strategies are implemented which influence job-satisfaction in your organisation?

We keep our principles and passion on track to inspire our crew!

Q7: What features does your organisation provide in order to keep the employees satisfied?

• What benefits do you offer to your employees other than money?

Autonomy within roles, contribution, time to socialise (including crew socials and outings, but also time during the working day to chat), a feeling of belonging to something amazing.

• How do you reward your employees? (Rewarding system)

Discounts, offers from other organisations, public praise (either in person or via facebook) and the ability to participate in our activities and learn new skills.

• Are you flexible with the timetables of your employees?


• Do you provide trainings?

Yes - although there is scope for more.

Q8: Would you consider that these factors might influence the motivation to work for non-profit organisation like yours?

They certainly seem to!

Q9: Or would you say that the mission itself and the objectives of the organisations play the biggest role when deciding to work for a specific non-profit organisation?

This is the underlying reason, certainly at the start, it's almost as if most workers are unaware of this on a day-to-day basis though. Primarily, our crew look forward to coming in and being in the space, with other great people.

Q10: Do you consider the relationship in the work field as an important factor?

Not sure I understand this!  If you mean relationships between people then yes, this is key.

Q11: What kind of relationship is between the managers and the employees in your organisation?

We don't have 'managers' as such, although leadership roles do happen when needed and structurally we have directors and co-ordinators who take these roles most often.  There is a real effort to break down the 'manager/underling' dynamic though.  Most of our regular crew are also friends, so that helps!

Q12: How the managers/ leaders influence the performance of the employees?

A huge part of the role is to model the ethics and culture of the organisation, which in turn engages the crew and leads to good performance.

Q13: Is it difficult to lead and manage non-profit organisation?

Very - it's also incredibly rewarding as there is real meaning behind the hard work, which is often lacking in the for-profit sector.

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